Yoga Offerings

Yoga Cirriculum
Class Descriptions
Pregnancy Yoga
Join other Mothers in a gentle class which incorporates asana, breath work, movement and meditation. Ease into the changes of pregnancy. Practice relaxation techniques, while bonding with the soul growing inside you. Increase strength and flexibility in preparation for birth and beyond. Come and share birth or prenatal stories, breastfeeding & parenting information. Mamas from 0-40 weeks welcome. Doctor or Midwives approval recommended
Mama and Baby
This playful class  is filled with chants, song and asanas. Postpartum my midwife told me “don’t lift anything heavier than your baby”, we will lift our babies strengthening our core. The relaxed pace encourages nursing and caring for baby. Bring a blanket for baby to lie on while we stretch and massage our lovely treasures increasing their circulation and muscle tone. A three minute meditation will promote breast milk  production, hormonal balance, stress relief and transition to motherhood. 
Open to Mothers and Baby 6 weeks postpartum, Doctor or Midwives approval recommended
Womb Healing Works
Class open to all women seeking to strengthen their core and increase womb health. The workshop combines the ancient practices of yoga and bellydance. These healing art forms originated in Africa and mimic the organic moves women make in childbirth and everyday life. They are beneficial in easing the discomforts of pregnancy, reducing fibroids, endometriosis, pms, menstrual cramps and menopause. Bring a yoga mat and coin or beaded hip scarf.  Class is appropriate for all fitness levels.
Breastfeeding as Meditation
Class will be of special interest to: breastfeeding or pregnant mothers, childbirth educators, doulas, lactation consultants, pediatric and obstetric healthcare professionals and prenatal and postpartum yoga teachers. Nursing children welcome.
Description: Class will teach the fundamentals of developing a yoga practice relative to the journey of Motherhood. Breastfeeding is selfless service, a special time in a woman’s life when she is in the grace of the universe being her authentic self. This class will explore the meditative depths women achieve as Divine Mothers. Many of us face the obstacle of ignorance when seeking breastfeeding support. The arms of information will be shared to defeat these obstacles.
Discussion topics include: breast anatomy, physiology of breastfeeding, benefits of breastfeeding, breastfeeding holds and positions, breastfeeding and siblings.
What to bring: Yoga mat, pillows for nursing support (boppy), baby/doll/teddy bear.

Kundalini Yoga Overview

This 90 minute workshop introduces the basic concepts of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bajan. The pace of the class will allow exploration of basic kundalini technologies including; mantras, breathing techniques, meditations and kriyas. Workshop is appropriate for all levels of fitness and is a great beginners class or refresher for those yogis new to Kundalini yoga.

Kundalini Yoga Level 1

The prerequsite to this class is Kundalini Yoga Overview. Kundalini Yoga as taught by yogi Bajan is “the yoga of awareness”. We will challenge ourselves to foster calm and truth with the practice of kriyas and meditations. Students should wear all white and a white head covering to strengthen their aura, purity and projection. Come prepared to sweat and chant by abstaining from food about an hour before class.

Vinyasa Yoga

This Hatha yoga class dives into sun salutations and deep relaxation. Each class will give the entire mind and body an invigorating flow of energy and peace. We will unlock our healing potential by linking movement and breath with concentrated focus. You will strenghten your body, free your mind and increase your flexibility while cultivating compassion. Each class will highlight yamas or niyamas as they apply to yoga and daily life. Appropriate for beginners and intermediate students, modifications available for all fitness levels.  

Chair Yoga

If you consider yourself limitless although you are confined to a wheelchair or have a limited range of motion and balance this is the class for you. Yoga can be practiced in a chair and the practitioner can reap the same benefits as ‘typical’ yoga. This class is open to senior citizens or those recovering from trauma, surgery or physical rehabilitation. The gentle practice of chair yoga increases lung capacity and cardio endurance through pranayama. The support of the chair accomodates increased flexibility without risk of injury. Doctors approval recomended

Childrens Yoga

Storytelling, yoga and meditation are combined in a playful format for children ages 3-7. This 45 minute class introduces students to simple postures found in nature. The breathing and meditiation exercises also relate to the world around them giving them familiar tools to deal with our stressful world. Students should be  potty trained. Parents may accompany younger students so they can incorporate a daily yoga practice into their family life.

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