
What is a Doula? A doula is a trained birth companion that attends to the Mother during pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum. The doula serves as advocate, labor coach, breastfeeding specialist and information source to give mother and her family comfort and additional support throught the entire labor. A doula works cooperatively with the health care team. In the event of a complication, a doula can be a great help in understanding what is happening and what options the family may have.-CAPPA

Labor Doula Studies

Studies have shown that women supported by a doula during labor have:

50% reduction in Cesarean rate

25% shorter labor

60% reduction in epidural request

40% reduction in pitocin use

30% reduction in analgesia use

40% reduction in forceps delivery

Source: Mothering the Mother: How a Doula can Help You Have a Shorter Easier and Healthier Birth, Klaus, Kennell and Klaus (1993)

Please email or call to discuss service packages and fees

(202) 246-7314


Nikki Plaksett RN, IBCLC has been a birthwork practitioner since 2005 in a variety of settings including: Gov. Juan Luis Hospital,Virgin Islands; Kafountine Matenity Clinic, Senegal;The George Washington University Hospital, DC; DC Family Health and Birth Center, DC; Washington Hospital Center, DC; and private home births. Professional affiliations include trainings and certifications with: ICTC, CAPPA, LLLI, Healthy Moms, IKYTA, AHA, AWHON, ILCA

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